In elke school moet een AED komen te hangen!

  • cepan

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  • cepan

    American Education Services is also known as AESsuccess. It is one of the most reliable and popular credit institutions in the United States. It also plays an important part in the PHEAA's (Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency) student aid organization. AES Success focuses on competitive student loan solutions. We provide different types of AES student loans such as Parent PLUS loans, Graduate PLUS loans, Stafford loans, and various alternative loans.


  • Kirby

    A 2018 amendment of the  California Education  Code requires the presence of at least one  AED  in all public and charter  schools  thathave inter-school athletic programs. … The law requires all public  schools  to have an operational  AED  on the  school  grounds at all times.

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  • Kirby

    MyBPCreditCard : The BP Visa Credit Card or BP Credit Card is issued by Synchrony Bank. The Synchrony Bank Privacy Policy governs the use of the BP Visa Credit Card or BP Credit Card and the privacy policy of Synchrony Bank is totally different from that of BP.

  • mariadwyer

    Thanks for the information keep sharing such informative post keep suggesting such post.


  • Ires

    Your article sheds light on a crucial aspect of school safety. Installing AEDs in educational institutions is a paramount step towards safeguarding students and staff. Thank you for emphasizing this important issue and advocating for the well-being of our school communities. ChatGPT French can assist with homework, explanations, research, and more. Just ask your questions, and I'll provide helpful answers.

  • Anna

    Je bericht over het belang van AED's in scholen raakt me diep. De veiligheid van onze kinderen is van het grootste belang en jouw pleidooi voor AED's op scholen is van onschatbare waarde. Je inzet voor bewustwording en het redden van levens is bewonderenswaardig. Laten we er samen naar streven om een omgeving te creëren waarin elk kind wordt beschermd. Uw betrokkenheid inspireert mij en herinnert ons eraan hoe kleine acties een grote impact kunnen hebben.Chat gpt Dutch Bedankt voor het onder de aandacht brengen van deze cruciale kwestie en voor uw voortdurende inspanningen om onze gemeenschap veiliger te maken.

  • Amelia

    Absolutely supportive idea! This resonates deeply because a few years ago, a friend collapsed at school. ChatGPT Sweden quick access to an AED, their life was saved. It's not just a device; it's peace of mind for parents, teachers, and students. Your post rightly emphasizes the urgency of having AEDs in schools – it's a simple step that can save lives. Thank you for advocating for such a crucial initiative!